Nice Try
Dear protector of visual(and lingual) illiteracy,
Your small mindedness is very sad. My Obama image is my unique creation and not plagiarized as you falsely state. The Obama image is a positive image that is patriotic and in no way Socialist or Communist. Is your assertion that my poster is “RED” based on my use of the colors from the AMERICAN flag, one of which happens to be red? I have criticized the U.S. government in my work, though I am a patriotic American. I believe patriotism is about trying to follow your conscience and make the country the best it can be. You are obviously a nationalist who supports the U.S. unconditionally. Nationalism brought Hitler to power. I’m not interested in promoting that mentality. If I thought it was possible to appeal to your intellect I would, but you did not even spell Barack correctly. I actually feel sorry for you, but even more so for the people who live in fear and might be manipulated by your disinformation. It is very sad that people like you resort to such sleazy tactics, and that decent people have to spend time combating small mindedness and disinformation. This once again demonstrates how much is at stake in this election. Those who support honesty and sanity need to take a look at the other side and stay motivated. Thanks.