Health insurance companies are banking on your ignorance as they spend millions to disinform and block Prop. 45. Prop. 45 is a public advocacy measure to regulate health insurance prices. Read these articles to understand why and how the health insurance industry is using its deep pockets to mislead the public about Prop. 45. This is an important issue, but there are many more at stake in the
Nov. 4 election. Please vote… apathy leaves your future in the hands of those you may not agree with!
Thanks for caring.


If you believe the advertising on television, health insurance in California is now the best deal since sliced bread.

Four health insurance companies, which control 84% of the California market, are spending tens of millions of dollars to convince voters they have it so good that the state doesn’t need Proposition 45. The November ballot measure would simply give the insurance commissioner the right to reject excessive health insurance rates.

Covered California, the government health insurance pool — which insurance industry advertising against Proposition 45 refers to as “the independent commission” — is spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars too. Its advertising showcases satisfied policyholders touting their affordable health insurance ahead of November’s open enrollment period and the election.

The reality for many people forced to buy insurance under the government mandate is radically different: high premiums and too few doctors in their networks.

In a Field Poll released in August, Californians expressed strong support for the Affordable Care Act but complained of the high cost of health insurance premiums. Recently, The Times reported that Covered California “still has no comprehensive directory to help consumers match doctors with health plans,” which was a problem in last year’s flawed rollout.

The parallel industry and government advertisements against Proposition 45, which often run back to back on television, demonstrate the close collaboration between Covered California and the four health insurance companies. The government ads testify to affordable insurance and the industry ads erroneously claim Proposition 45 will take it away.

Covered California touts the insurance companies as its “plan partners.” Many consultants hired to create the pool and its key staff have been employees at the health insurance companies. That includes key staff members who help the Covered California board negotiate contracts with the companies behind closed doors.

Collaboration may be good in marketing a product, but it’s not what consumers need to ensure that they don’t get ripped off by insurance companies that can set any price on their policies.

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An additional enlightening article may also be found here: The 5 rules on how to kill a consumer-friendly initiative. By: Michael Hiltzik