Everyone here at OBEY is very disappointed in those who chose to auction their Obama posters, especially their STREET PASTERS on EBAY. A great deal of effort was made by our small crew to get as many posters as possible out on the streets to support the OBAMA campaign before the Primaries. Despite the EBAY screenprint auctions, we decided to basically give away OBAMA posters to people all over the country to help bring awareness. It looks like we were naive in believing that people would be true and do what they actually said they would do. All those that received these street pasters knew that they were not to be auctioned on EBAY or sold anywhere else. Its extremely discouraging when we intentionally make Shep’s art obtainable and affordable for all and in turn are exploited and taken advantage of by GREEDY people. We put 100% of the poster proceeds back into the Obama campaign.

Unfortunately, from here on out we will have to be more cautious in how we conduct our business and with whom. We are still actively checking EBAY for auctions and taking aggressive action against those that continue to take advantage. We stand by what we believe and say and are proud of our mission to keep OBEY accessible to all. A new offset Obama print is going for sale to generate additional revenue to pay for posters for more markets yet to hold primaries. Also, we’d like to make the Obama image accessible at reasonable prices. Don’t reward the ebay vultures!

So on Thursday we are going to be releasing 600, 24×36, signed and numbered HOPE offsets on thick stock at a random time. Prints can be purchased HERE. This offset prints will be $30, 1 per customer/household.