Thanks to everyone who sent in there pics with their copy of IRAQ FOR SALE. We got a tremendous response from our added incentive and now have received our first 25 photographs. Once again, thanks for all those who sent in the pics and purchased the movie.
have very little to complain about regarding the support for my art, but there are couple of things that frustrate me. One has has been the problem with people missing out because a print sold out too quickly. The second is people misunderstanding what my political motivations are. With this print I have decided to tackle both problems with one solution. I recently watched a great documentary called IRAQ FOR SALE:THE WAR PROFITEERS. I knew that companies like Haliburton were ripping off the government and therefore all of us as taxpayers, but this film shows the real depth of the problems and the extent of shady business dealings between corporations and our government. I recommend the film to anyone. The film and more info is available at or Brave New Films is also behind the excellent OUTFOXED and WALMART:THE HIGH COST OF LOW PRICES. Check it all out.